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June 21, 2008

Playing with Scissors


Last month, Monkey's mom read this article on unrealistic expectations. It is so true; Monkey's mom always buys her age inappropriate books and toys. For instance, back in April, her mom got her this book. Notice the cover says Age 3.4.5 and Monkey was over 3 and a half back then. Consequently, her mom was puzzled (and frustrated) when Monkey didn't know how to use scissors skillfully. A couple of weeks later, she found this book at Target. This book's cover says Age 2 and Up. They have been working on this book together. Monkey loves it and often asks to work on the new book. Monkey's mom is happy that she finally got it right. Everybody is happy in this family.


Oh! The other day Monkey was to cut squares off the corners of a picture. One of the corners she didn't quite complete, so she decided to tear it off. Her motor skills were not that refined; she tore the picture apart. Monkey cried about the torn picture, but the only response she got was a good old yelling from her mom ("You were supposed to use scissors!"). Yup, just like her parents, always look for a shortcut.

Posted by Mike at June 21, 2008 10:45 PM


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