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January 11, 2006

Hello From Sacramento

Well, as we expected, Katy still has an ear infection. She is on a different antibiotics.

On a separate note, this is just a rant, which is sort of related to Katy. On the weekend, Katy was being crabby. She was mad at her mommy so she scratched her glasses. One of the lenses got scratched so bad that her mom is having eye strain. So the family went to Lenscrafters this evening to replace the scratched lens. The family learned a few things: Lenscrafters rips you off, big time. They can't just replace the damaged lens; they must do both and it costs $240, which is 26% more expensive than the price of the original glasses (frame included). The reason they can't just replace one lens is they don't have as good quality lens as the original one (which they didn't tell you). So Katy's mom spent $240 to replace her stylish Costco lenses with THICK ones from Lenscrafters under 90 minutes. But what choices do you have when you have no backup vision devices? Our lessons are: always get two pairs from Costco and don't shop at Lenscrafters again. We are deducting $240 from Katy's measly college fund.

Posted by Mike at January 11, 2006 08:34 PM


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